Sunday, 29 January 2012


Yes, I know. I haven't written on here in ages. In fact, I haven't written a Carlton post since October! I apologise, again.

If you're looking for someone to blame, head to the BBC. To be precise, to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

As an avid mystery-freak, I have of course been following the new Sherlock series. Having been obsessed with Sherlock Holmes from a young age, I was seriously worried when they made a modern version. If they were going to try and make Sherlock a hoodied teenager, I would have been the first to complain.

But it worked! Sherlock Holmes has never been about the era he lives in. It's all about adrenalin, sarcasm, and chasing criminals across London. This new series completely lives up to expectations. Conan Doyle would be proud.

Not content with delighting our screens with pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch in a trench coat, the BBC upped the adrenalin by setting us a challenge for next series, namely: how the hell did Sherlock survive? Of course I wasn't going to leave this one alone. I wasted a whole weekend trying to work this one out - apologies go to my history teacher, yes I did begin my essay "During the reign of Moriarty" - and think I may have an idea.

So, here are the clues that I think lead to an answer. Some of these have been discussed in great detail by journalists, but others have been as yet unexplored. Enjoy!

1) Remember IRENE ADLER in the first episode? She faked her own death with the help of some officials. And given that Sherlock saved her life at the end of the episode, I figure she owes him one.

2) It's obvious that the love-struck MOLLY HOOPER is involved in some way. As a pathologist, she'd be able to pronounce him dead, and Sherlock did ask for her help.

3) Whilst Sherlock was in the lab towards the end of the last episode, he was playing with a small SQUASH BALL. By squeezing the squash ball into the crook of the elbow you can temporarily prevent your pulse at your wrist - exactly where John tried to take his pulse to see if Sherlock was still alive.

4) The area of pavement onto which Sherlock eventually jumped appeared to be MARKED OUT in chalk, or some other white marker, when seen from above.

5) A CYCLIST knocked John over as he was on his way to see Sherlock. This blocked Sherlock from his vision temporarily, as well as making him somewhat confused - possibly concussed - as he saw Sherlock's dead body.

6) As Sherlock was talking to John on the phone, he was insistent that John STAND IN A PARTICULAR PLACE. This suggests that some sort of illusion was going on, and if he moved he wouldn't quite see the scene as he was expected to.

7) Some sort of a RUBBISH TRUCK was blocking part of Sherlock's fall from view. He could well have fallen into it, or clung onto the sides (less likely, and he'd have to be pretty damn good, but he leapt quite well across London in the first series).

8) The little girl kidnapped in Episode 3 SCREAMED when she saw Sherlock. As we know he couldn't have been involved in the kidnap, it means that whoever kidnapped them either looked like Sherlock or dressed to look like him... a trick Sherlock could have used against Moriarty perhaps?

Has anyone got any more theories? I'd love to hear them!

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